How to set up GitHub in Windows

Download and install latest version of git

winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget

By the way if you don’t have the winget tool, to get it first.

Set username in Git

Open the Git Bash

$ git config --global "your_user_name"

Check if you set up your user name successfully

git config

Set e-mail in Git

Open the Git Bash

git config --global ""

Check if you set up your e-mail successfully

git config

Connecting over SSH

Check if you have SSH keys already

Open Git Bash

ls -al ~/.ssh

If no SSH keys exist, generate new SSH keys then


Adding SSH key to ssh-agent

Launch SSH agent manually

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Add your SSH key to the SSH agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Set up your SSH key in GitHub

Copy the SSH public key to your clipboard.

Open Git Bash

clip < ~/.ssh/

Go to GitHub page

Account -> Setting -> SSH keys -> Add new ssh key -> paste