How to download videos from Youtube?

Download youtube-dl and ffmpeg brew install youtube-dl brew install ffmpeg Re-direct to your video directory cd your_video_dir Download video youtube-dl or youtube-dl -f mp4 Insert subtitle get subtitle youtube-dl –list-subs download youtube-dl –write-sub –embed-sub –sub-lang zh-CN -f mp4 Others Check website youtube-dl \–list-extractors Update youtube-dl -U Help youtube-dl -h

Lambda Calculus – Studying Note

The Lambda Calculus has only one features: Function More precisely, only thing you can do is: Define a function Call a function Describing a Programming Language Syntax: what do programs look like? Semantics: what do programs mean? Syntax: What Programs Look Like Some Examples: For above examples, they are: function(x) {return x} function(x) {return function(y) …